Most people are familiar with sciatica. It is a low back pain that extends down the left or right buttock, down the leg, and occasionally to the foot. The pain can be intense in certain cases, and sciatica usually goes away within three months through the regular routine of conservative therapy.
Non-invasive options that may be done in the comfort of your own home are referred to as “conservative therapy” and are an excellent option for relieving pain due to sciatica in Wheat Ridge.
Ice and Heat
It’s possible to relieve sciatic nerve discomfort quickly by alternating heat and cold treatment the way that Business Name does. Heat increases blood flow to the hurting location, while ice helps to relieve inflammation, which speeds healing. Sciatica is often accompanied by muscular spasms, which can be relieved with heat and cold.
Apply ice for 15 minutes every hour to the sore region, then heat for 15 minutes once every two to three hours. When utilizing heat or ice therapy, always employ a barrier such as a towel to protect your skin and never sleep while doing so.
If you have issues with sciatica in Wheat Ridge, gentle stretching should be a part of your everyday practice. Stretching is a great approach to increasing spinal flexibility and range of motion while strengthening your core and back. In addition, most stretches are simple enough to accomplish while watching the news or a movie.