Any criminal charge is a serious thing, even for a person who has never had any kind of trouble with the law in the past. The most serious of the criminal charges are felonies and for a felony case of any kind, it is wise to contact a Felonies Criminal Attorney in Long Beach, CA before appearing in court.
There are many advantages to hiring a Criminal Defense Attorney for your case, and if it is a felony, the stakes are very high. For a first time offender who has picked up a brand new felony charge, the resolution of this first case can have long term effects on the future ability of the defendant to vote, own firearms and find rental housing, just to name a few of the after-effects of the criminal charge.
Taking the time to find a Felonies Criminal Attorney in Long Beach, CA can help the defendant in a serious criminal case to trust that their best interests are being represented at each court appearance for their case. The first appearance, the settlement conferences and any motions that may be brought before the court dealing with issues such as suppression of evidence can be handled by the competent and experienced criminal defense attorney.
For defendants in a serious criminal case who have had past criminal charges, the choice of attorney is even more important. There are many strategic elements to a case for a repeat offender and it takes a qualified lawyer to explore all the avenues that exist for the defendant. Choosing a Felonies Criminal Attorney in Long Beach, CA who has the experience in the local courts can make all the difference as to the outcome of the case.
The Felonies Criminal Attorney in Long Beach, CA is always able to advise their client as to the attitudes that the various judges have and they can sometimes reschedule the court dates to ask for a different judge when practical. The defendant who is represented by an experienced attorney can put their trust in the competence of their counsel and trust that their case is being taken care of in the most intelligent manner with an eye on the way its resolution will affect their life.