Why Dermaplaning Facials Might Be Just What You Need for “Me Time” in AZ?

by | Aug 29, 2022 | Articles

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If you are looking for a way to feel good about yourself the next time you go to the spa, you may want to try getting what is known as a dermaplaning facial near me in Goodyear, AZ. There are many benefits to doing so and none of the myths that you may have heard about it.


First off, there is none of the pain during a microabrasion process that you may have perceived. The entire treatment is considered outpatient and you can go on about your day with little more than a slight reddening of the skin after you are completed it.

Acne Removal

Those who are suffering from acne, know the struggle of trying many different methods to keep it manageable. Thankfully, dermabrasion sloughs off the dead skin cells and thus reduces the production of oily sebum in the skin which can block pores and cause acne.

Smooth Away Wrinkles

The process known as dermaplaning facial near me in Goodyear, AZ is widely renowned for being able to smooth away any wrinkles that may appear around the eyes and mouth or anywhere else on the face, for that matter. By undergoing this simple procedure, you can look years younger by getting rid of your wrinkles.

Get Rid Of Scarring

There are certain types of scarring that can be removed by dermabrasion. The most common type is scarring by acne that you have had in the past. This is easily taken care of by this treatment.

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