Ways to Get People Engaged at and After a Trade Show

by | Mar 31, 2015 | Business

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A trade show offers a great opportunity to build some awareness around your brand, to introduce new products, services, and / or concepts to the market, it helps you and your people meet new people in your industry as well as those who are potential customers. How can you engage people at that trade show as well as after the fact? Here are some ideas for you:

Make Your Trade Show Display Interactive

Give people something to do at your trade show display booth. Make the booth interesting and do something unique that will make people want to stop and see what’s going on whether they have heard of your brand or not.

This can draw a crowd and generate interest that could pay you dividends in leads and more. Demonstrations that use volunteers, technology that people can interact with, and other elements of a trade show that can get people interested in stopping.

Contests and Freebies

People like free stuff. People who visit tradeshows will often make sure they stop by all the trade show display booths that give something away. They will line up for a free pen or mug and they’ll fill out their contact information in a ballot for a prize draw. You can use this to your advantage for gathering leads. Just be sure to do things ethically, though, so that you aren’t seen as spamming someone via email. Getting an opt-in is important as is giving someone the ability to unsubscribe / opt out.

Get Opt-Ins and Do an Email Newsletter

Trade shows happen in person, offering great face to face time with customers, potential customers, vendors, potential partners, etc. But you can help this extend to online marketing after the event is over and you can do this in a highly targeted way.

If you get those opt-ins, do a newsletter. This can help you continually reach out to people who attended your trade show display. You can even code their opt-in so that they get information that pertains to what they were specifically interested in.

Email marketing software can help you with this in terms of managing mailing lists, creating an automated sales funnel, and marketing lists so that you can contact those who came to you as leads from a trade show for the next trade show you plan to attend, too.

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