There Is Cash For Gold in White Plains, NY That Can Pay Up Your Bills

by | Aug 19, 2014 | Jewelry

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Like so many Americans, many people are continuously strapped for cash. Most of their income goes to the many bills that flood their mailbox on a steady basis. Some of these are to be expected like the monthly mortgage payment or rent paid to a management company. Accompanying their rent will be such necessities as the utility bills for electricity, gas and their satellite or cable television service. Although they may work one or even two jobs to get by, there is always somewhere else their hard earned funds must go.

While they look for other forms of cash, they may be missing a form of income that is right under their nose. Cash for gold in White Plains, NY may also be sitting on their finger or right around their neck. The jewelry they own may be worth much more than they imagine. They may have received it for a gift or made a purchase of a gift for themselves around the holiday season. As the rates for gold and silver fluctuate over the years, these pieces of jewelry may be worth a great deal more than the amount originally paid.

The best thing to do, is to collect all the gold and silver jewelry in one’s possession. This includes rings, watches, bracelets, and chains of all varieties. It may even include cuff-links and novelties such as tie-tacks. People are advised to keep any piece of jewelry that holds a significant sentimental feeling in the heart. However the rest of this “load of gold” may be just what is needed to pay all of those bills. If anyone has enough gold and silver in their drawers, there may be money enough for that vacation they’ve all dreamed of taking.

Visit website of Michael Mathews Jewelers of White Plains, NY, located online. The way to start is to get an appraisal performed by an experienced member of the jewelry profession. They will ask interested parties to bring in their jewelry so that they can both study and weigh each piece in person. At that point, one will soon be able to learn more about trading in rings and chains for a new lease on life.

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