Hiring Professionals For Mold Testing In Boston

by | Dec 23, 2014 | Home And Garden

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There are many different things that homeowners can do on their own, but mold testing in Boston shouldn’t be one of them. There are mold kits sold in a variety of places, including in hardware and building supply stores as well as on the internet, but these home kits are rarely accurate.

The major reason that home or do-it-yourself mold testing in Boston is not accurate has a lot to do with understanding where and what to sample. Many people only check the highly visible locations and fail to look in the more problematic areas. Testing visible discolorations and moist areas may provide information on if there is mold present but you will typically not be provided with an accurate representation of all types of mold in the home.

The Methods used in Home Mold Testing in Boston

The basic do-it-yourself home kit for mold testing in Boston is a very simple and uncomplicated process. You will typically be asked to choose a sampling method. This can include looking for visible mold, taking a swab, and then placing the swab on the petri dish in the kit.

Another option may be to test the air in your HVAC system by basically duct taping the dish to the vent and then allowing the system to run for a period to time. The last option is to simply place the dish in a spot in the home for an hour and then see if any mold develops over the next few days.

The Professional Methods

Professional mold testing in Boston is a far different technique. Technicians will first visibly inspect the home, looking specifically for problem areas in the attic, HVAC system and in other likely locations. The technician will take samples from each area and label the sample, sending it to a specialized lab that will fully examine the tests for the presence of all mold and also test for any toxic molds that are present.

With mold testing in Boston you will get a detailed, written report from the independent lab that will show you what mold is present and if the mold is a healthy risk for you and your family. You can then use the same service for mold remediation to improve the quality of air in your home for now as well as into the future.


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