There are a couple of things that you will need to consider if you are looking into buying Shower Enclosures in Plainfield. One of these things is the space you have available in your bathroom. This will determine the specific kind of enclosure that you are going to get. Think about whether you bathroom is en suite or if the enclosure is for a separate shower room or a main bathroom. With proper planning, it is possible to have a shower enclosure fitted even in the tightest spaces. The height of your bathroom is also something else to pay attention to. A folding shower door for example is perfect for tight spots.
Also think about the positioning and wall and where exactly you want to install the enclosure. Some of the positions include a separate enclosed area, center of the wall or in a corner. All these things will play a role in the type of enclosure that you choose especially where the door is concerned. A D shaped shower enclosure for example is perfect for where the shower is in central position and against the wall. When replacing old enclosures, have the new one fitted in the same spot to avoid paying extra for hot and cold pipes, drainage and plumbing.
It is important that you have an idea of the kind of glass that you want to get for your enclosure. Tempered glass, specifically the 8mm or 10mm variety is safe, easy to clean and durable. For a shower enclosure or wet room, consider getting reinforced safety glass. 4mm or 6mm glass can also be a great option where the budget is an issue or for those that aren’t fond of thicker glass. Additional things to keep in mind include knowing that you will need more support for thicker glass as it weighs more. Curved and larger glasses are also generally thinner.
Lastly, think about whether or not you want a tray in your shower enclosure. Most people tend to lean towards having a tray as they offer more support and less chance of a leakage. Buying this together with the enclosure will eliminate worrying about fitting the shower doors. For professional advice on the different kinds of Shower Enclosures in Plainfield, visit