Getting Ready for Eye Exams in St Paul MN

by | Jul 14, 2015 | Eye Care

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After realizing that it has been a couple of years since the last visit to an optometrist, scheduling an appointment for an eye exam should be a priority. Once the exam is scheduled, it pays to make some advance preparations. Here are some tips that will make undergoing eye exams in St Paul MN a simpler task.

Preparing a List of Health Issues and Medications

Prior to the appointment date, sit down and make a list of any health issues that are currently being treated. This includes any chronic conditions like type 2 diabetes that were diagnosed since the last visit. The eye professional will want to keep that information in mind while conducting the exam. This is because some health issues can impact the function of the eyes.

Remember to include a list of all medications currently taken for those conditions. Some of the side effects may include changes in visual acuity. Since Eye Exams in St Paul MN can result in the need to adjust an eyeglass prescription, the professional needs to be aware of anything that could be causing a temporary issue with the eyes.

Taking a Friend Along

Remember that the process of examining the eyes will require dilating the pupils. For a few hours after the exam is complete, the quality of the vision may not be normal. Rather than getting behind the wheel after an exam, take a friend along. The friend can do the driving after the visit and ensure that the patient arrives home safe and sound.

Rest the Eyes

If possible, arrange to take the rest of the day off. Until the pupils are back to normal, attempting to read documents or work in front of a computer will be an exercise in futility. A better approach is to go home, place a soothing compress over the eyes, and listen to some music. In a couple of hours, the eyes will be back to normal and things like reading will be easy to manage once again.

Remember that the eyes are intended to last a lifetime. Regular exams will go a long way toward identifying issues and taking the steps necessary to ensure a reasonable level of visual acuity. If it is hard to remember when the last exam took place, call an optometrist today.

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