Local Dentists Can Help Your Mouth and Your Body Stay Strong

by | Jun 27, 2014 | Dentistry

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When you look at your mouth in a mirror, you likely see teeth, gums and a tongue. However, your dentist sees much more. Your mouth is actually more complicated than you might have ever realized, and the link between your mouth and body is astounding. In fact, a dentist may be able to pinpoint a problem you’re having in another area of the body simply by examining your oral cavity. The work of local dentists essentially can help you to keep both your mouth and your body strong.

Your Body
A local dentist will want to know your entire medical history before beginning any treatment on you. This is important because your medical condition has a strong bearing on your oral health. For instance, individuals with diabetes have a higher chance of having periodontal disease—the most serious form of gum disease—perhaps because those with diabetes are more vulnerable to infections. In addition, there have been studies that show that obesity is linked to periodontal disease. Specifically, periodontal disease appears to progress more rapidly when more body fat is present in a person.

Other Links Between the Mouth and Body
Researchers have found several other mouth-body connections that may surprise you. For instance, treating periodontal disease may reduce the pain that stems from rheumatoid arthritis. In addition, this form of gum disease might exacerbate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, perhaps because it boosts the bacterial count in a person’s lungs. There is additionally a link between osteoporosis and your oral health: Women who have osteoporosis tend to have gum disease more frequently than those without the bone disease do.

Benefits Provided
Local dentists can work with your local doctors to make sure that your overall health is taken into consideration when you’re seeking dental treatment. These professionals work together because the state of your oral health can have an impact on how healthy you are in other areas of your body—and vice versa. Your mouth truly is a window to the rest of your body, and with the help of a local dentist, you can increase your chances of remaining in good health overall in the near and distant future.

Complete Family Dentistry offers several valuable dental care procedures. To find out more about how you can get the oral care treatment you need, watch our Youtube videos or view website.

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