What Is Involved in Re-Roofing in Canton MI?

by | May 23, 2017 | Roofing

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Re-roofing is a process that involves placing new shingles over the top of existing ones. This saves a homeowner money and time because the old roofing materials do not have to be removed to make way for the new roof. Re-roofing is ideal for a roof that is in sound shape and where the wood decking has not been compromised. It is important for homeowners to weigh their options when it comes to re-roofing in Canton, MI so they can make a sound decision.

Re-roofing is considered less dangerous because the roofing contractor does not have to tear off the old shingles. Falling debris, nails, and staples can lead to injuries, and bypassing the tearing off of the old roof can prevent injuries and damages. The roof will first need to be checked for any signs of water damage. If the roofing contractor feels there is a possibility of any water damage to the decking, they may recommend a homeowner has a completely new roof installed, which will involve removing the old materials.

If a roof is not that old and has not suffered major damages, it is ideal for a homeowner to choose re-roofing in Canton, MI. When a homeowner is in need of roofing services, it is imperative they seek the professionals since this work involves dangerous equipment and the risk of falling is great. A roofing contractor will first inspect the roof to determine if it is a good candidate. If found to be a good candidate, the new shingles will be applied directly to the old ones, creating an impermeable bond that protects the wooden decking and ensures the roof is sound.

Should a homeowner begin noticing signs of problems with their roof, it is imperative they seek repairs right away. Waiting too long can lead to further damage and a greater expense. Once the decking has been damaged, the entire roof will need to be replaced.

If you are a homeowner interested in re-roofing, contact New Roof Inc. They are the roofing professionals homeowners can fully rely on to ensure their roof is sound and will protect their home from water damage.

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