Why Call a Professional Over Moths in Marlboro, NJ?

by | Apr 27, 2017 | Pest Control

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Moths come in thousands of species and are most destructive in the larvae stage of development. Once a full-grown moth is noticed, considerable damage may have already been done because moths are fast reproducers. They lay between fifty and two-hundred eggs at a time, and begin that process only weeks after hatching. Seeing a few Moths in Marlboro NJ typically means there are many more in the area. Depending on the species, moths will destroy leaves and trees, crops, dry goods, clothing, wool carpeting, upholstery, feathers, furs, and silk material. Effective treatment relies on identifying the species, which is why a trained professional is needed.

Over-the-counter pesticides will be ineffective if they are formulated for a different species than the one causing damage. Attempting to eradicate moths alone can be harmful, expensive, and frustrating. Many sprays and powders can be toxic and harmful, especially to children, those with respiratory issues, and pets. Trying different pesticides to get rid of Moths in Marlboro NJ will end up costing a lot of money that is wasted because the problem will still exist, and that is frustrating. An experienced extermination company will have trained technicians who can identify the species. They will remove it completely from the home or wooded area safely and efficiently. Be sure the company complies with Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) guidelines for pesticides to avoid health problems.

A comprehensive extermination company that provides free estimates will be the most helpful. A home protection plan is offered that can detect pests and insects in the home early during quarterly inspections. Ants, bedbugs, spiders, cockroaches, mice, and termites, just to name a few, cause extensive damage and health risks before they are seen or noticed by homeowners. Being proactive by participating in a plan will save time and money as well as stop pest activity as soon as possible to keep any damage to a minimum. A maintenance and preventative plan is also available for wooded areas on the property as well as commercial buildings and property. Owners can Click Here for details on all services, including emergency and handyman services. Homes and businesses are major investments so protect them from infestation and call for an initial inspection.

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