Essential Elements of a Successful Leadership Development Program

by | Sep 24, 2018 | Business

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Human resource is the best asset an organisation has and investing in their training and development is one of the best investments it can make as these are the future leaders and handlers of the organisation, who will take the organisation to the next level. Therefore, it is essential to organise leadership development programs to provide proper training to these employees so that they can be well aware of the future challenges and difficult situations and know how to deal with them successfully. Below are few elements to ensure a successful Leadership development program.

  1. Small and Enhanced Leadership Group

It is always better to start small before implementing leadership programs on a large scale. Therefore, the program should be initiated by forming small group of employees who are already in leadership & would be leader roles. The number of members in each group should not exceed 12 to ensure personal attention and training effectiveness.

  1. Experienced Facilitators

The leadership coach facilitating the sessions should not be providing lessons from textbooks as that information is already present in various leadership books. He should impart knowledge and skills that has been blended with the experience of working as a leader and real life obstacles faced by them along with the intended solutions. This facilitates in preparing leaders who can see a bigger picture and are future ready to shine in the corporate world.

  1. Blended Ways of Facilitation Program

A good leadership development program should impart knowledge & skills with the help of different media. Every person has different absorbing skills, and everyone does not understand and implement entirely by just listening to corporate leadership coaches. Therefore, it is essential to provide the knowledge in different ways and different forms, like written material, online coaching and also offer a specific face to face classroom programs to meet training objectives.

One on one skype sessions with the participants is the best way to check progress on ‘Action Plan’ & Personal Development, individual feedback on assessments, motivation, pep talks, etc. In addition, this methodology in addition to face to face workshops will provide opportunity to the participants to open up with the facilitator on personal and professional front. This will be a game changer and will raise the self awareness of the participants, which is the most important Leadership trait.

  1. Psychometric Assessment

‘Psychometric Assessments’ are considered essential to unearth the potential of participants of leadership development program. A good psychometric assessment report has detailed interpretation on every aspect of the participant’s personality which includes the person’s perception by others, attributes, motivators & demotivators, communication style, decision making, strengths and reaction to pressure situations, behavioral style and profile, suggested modifications and adjustments to behaviour to improve performance, besides others.

These inputs along with ‘Action Plans’ facilitated during the sessions will mostly ensure the achievement of the leadership development program goals. Browse the site for more details.

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